How is a cryptocurrency taxed?

Do you own cryptocurrency, trade or Buy/sell? If you respond yes, you need to grasp the financial regulations around taxation of cryptocurrency and how unnecessary legal challenges can be avoided. In this article, we discussed the taxation of cryptocurrency and more.

Is it taxed or not?

Is crypto has taxed or not, the answer is: YES. You are responsible to pay taxes (cryptocurrency taxes )by using or owning(cryptocurrency to invest in) any cryptocurrency. The currency crypto rules and regulations are still under progress, as they are a relatively new addition to the financial industry. This is why many countries still have confusing tax regulations on whether and if so, how much you have to pay taxes.

Cryptocurrencies were listed as virtual assets in 2014 in countries like the US, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This means that you must reveal your encryption portfolio in your tax submissions if you live in America.

Instead of a currency, many European countries also consider crypto tokens as an asset. This means that the individual in question must pay taxes(tax on cryptocurrency) according to the legislation on the capital assets in any virtual currency.

So when should you pay tax on your own crypto assets?

Usually, you are obligated to pay taxes (income tax on cryptocurrency) when you sell cryptocurrencies for a profit. Let us design the taxable crypto-currency events.

1.    You will have to pay taxes (crypto tax) when you buy cryptocurrencies and subsequently sell them to fiat money. You will be required to include the income in your income tax return if you sell $100 worth of BTC or any other currency.

2.    If you are paid cryptographically, the income tax is the equivalent amount that you are paid.

3.    If you are an employee, an employer, a freelancer or any service provider that you pay cryptographically, then the income tax legislation makes you liable to pay the fees(crypto tax) .

4.    The direct purchase from the market of any commodity (if applicable in countries) is a taxable event.

5.    Some places accept cryptocurrencies such as BTC and ETH in nations like the US and the United Kingdom. Such events may also be taxable, even if the rules are not clear at this stage.

6.    Cryptocurrency trading, e.g. BTC for ETH, is another noteworthy instance that applies to tax. You must bear in mind that only if you earn from it you have to pay taxes. Say that for $5,000 in 2018 you bought one BTC and in 2021, you sold it for $50,000. Then you must pay the tax. But you don't have to pay anything if you buy the same BTC for $5K and sell the same one for $2K. Only the profit amount is subject to tax.

The guidelines on how this process works in most nations are not clear, thus a professional fiscal adviser is advisable to contact.

Also check our blog on Blockchain technology to know more.

How much  tax on cryptocurrency to pay?

The investment is taxed on its capital gains in fundamental financial terms.

You sell your crypto assets for profit as a capital gain. If you sell the BTC at $50K following the purchase at $5K, you have a net profit of $45K for the prior scenario. This is the amount you have of capital gain.

Now, depending on your investment term, there are two types of taxes. You pay taxes according to short-term capital-gain regulations if you own crypto for 1 year (3 years in other countries). For investments lasting more than one year, taxes on long-term gains are lower.

Now that you have a clear concept of how taxes (cryptocurrency taxes) work for cryptography,


In most nations, the regulations of currency crypto have been imprecise and unclear. That is why you should always be proactive in filing your taxes rather than doing it and getting into difficulty. If tax papers are not submitted, sanctions, tax evasion and even imprisonment may result. The best suggestion is to see a tax consultant if you receive considerable revenue from the crypto frequently. Make sure that you are fully aware of the newest advancements in virtual and decentralised currencies.

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